Dan has had over ninety interviews about Save Democracy in America, mostly on radio and podcasts but also frequently on TV, and has found an enthusiastic reception on both sides of the aisle. Getting money out of politics is not a Republican issue or a Democratic issue. It is an American issue. We all need a functioning government, we deserve a say in how we are governed, and we believe in government by the people, one of the noble ideals which make us Americans. (The Voter Dollars reform is sometimes referred to as Democracy Dollars or voter-owned elections.)
Dan and SDIA are strictly non-partisan. Dan’s appearance on these programs in no way constitutes an endorsement of views expressed by the hosts or by any of their guests.
Dan has also given over three dozen interviews about the Holocaust, as he wrote an acclaimed book for the general public about its causes and holds a doctorate in German History from Columbia University.
See the first half of Dan’s talk at the launch of his book on the Holocaust at Barnes & Noble in NY.
Watch Dan’s argument, in the second half of his talk at Barnes and Noble, that the Holocaust has a unique kind of importance among historical events:
Watch the complete Barnes and Noble talk, including Q and A:
Read an excerpt from Dan’s chapter on racism in Salon, April 19, 2014
Read (in German) the review of How Could This Happen in the German magazine FOCUS Online